For designing and testing embedded systems, microcontrollers are utilized broadly for control electrical instruments. Keil µVision gives an across the board answer for programming embedded devices

The µVision IDE combines project management, run-time environment, build facilities, source code editing, and program debugging in a single powerful environment. µVision programming is user friendly and quickens your embedded programming development. µVision bolsters numerous screens and permits you to make singular window designs anywhere on the visual surface. One can test, verify, and optimize their application code using the µVision Debugger single environment. The debugger incorporates customary highlights like simple and complex breakpoints, watches windows, and execution control and provides full visibility to device peripherals.

This tutorial will assist you in writing your first 8051 assembly language program using the popular Keil Compiler. Keil offers an evaluation package that will allow the assembly and debugging of files 2K or less. This bundle is openly accessible at their site

Keil Tutorial Steps

  • Open Keil software from start menu
  • Click on Project-New Project
  • Name the project and click on Save button
  • The device window will be displayed
  • Select the part you are working with.In this case Iam selecting AT89C51microcontroller
  • Create source file by clicking on File- New
  • You will get a new window and write code for the required application. Then click File-Save as
  • Name the file with extension .asm for assembly language and .c for C language code. Make sure that both the project and source file are on the same folder. Then click on Save button.

Now project and source file created. But you need to add the source file to the project. For this, you need to right-click on Target and select add existing files to Group ‘Source Group 1′

  • Change files of type to Asm Source file and select the already created source file. Then click on ADD button
  • Expand the Source Group 1 in the tree menu to ensure that file was added to the project
  • Click on Project- Build target
  • If your code is correct and has no errors, you will get an output window like below.
  • Create HEX file for the project by right-clicking on Target 1 in tree menu and select Options for Target 1
  • Select Target tab and change the Xtal (MHz) frequency to 11.0592
  • Select Output Tab and tick Create Hex File checkbox and then click OK button
  • Now if you again click on Project- Build Target, you can see creating the hex file line in the output window.
  • Click on Debug- Start Debug
  • As we are looking into the example of a LED blinking program, which is connected to pin P1.0, we have to select port 1.
  • Go to Peripherals- I/O-Ports and select port 1.
  • Now click on Debug- Run.You can see the port P1.0 is changing its values to 1 and 0 infinitely

Implementation of 8051- LED example in Proteus software

LED is known as Light Emitting Diode. LED is a special type of diode that gives off visible light when forward biased. An LED always requires some means of limiting current flow through it.

1. Start
2. Compliment the port pin P1.0
3. Call the delay subroutine go to step 2
4. Stop



Single LED





DELAY: MOV R5,#05H H3: MOV R4,#250D

H2: MOV R3,#250D

H1: DJNZ R3,H1





If you simulate the above code in proteus, the LED connected to pin P1.0 starts blinking. The hex file we generated will be used to burn the microcontroller.

KEIL IDE Tutorial (µVision5 for microcontroller programming)

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